
Tuesday, March 12, 2019


We are learning  about our school value of Rereketanga or Diversity.

Friday, March 8, 2019

All About Me

WALT: We ate learning to describe ourselves to others.

All About Me

Hi my name is Timo.
I have two dog’s.
The smallest is called Bobby.
The biggest is Zac.
My mum is called Sara.
My dad is called Davide.
I LOVE every song in the world.
I am a Chromebook wiz.
I love…….love and I like dancing.
I am a good rapper.
My two favourite movies are Fast and Furious and Jumanji.
Oh, I forgot,
I have a sister, who is 8 and a brother who is one and a half.
I have two best friends.
One is a girl, her name is Kaia.
The other one is a boy, he is called Javis.
I am 9, just so you know.

Thank you for reading all about me!  

I liked doing this art.
What was your favourite part and what can I add?